Disciples Women Heartland Inter-regional Conference

God calls us,
speaking our names, inviting us to join the dance of creation.
God connects us
awakening the deep truth that we are partners with God and one another.
God charges us,
sending us into the world to live the truth and dance the dance of transformation and reconciliation.
On June 22 – 24, 2018, the women of the Heartland Inter-regional, Indiana, Illinois/ Wisconsin, Kansas, Kansas City, Upper Midwest, Mid-America, and Nebraska regions are invited to Culver Stockton College, in Canton, MO to explore and celebrate how we are Called, Connected and Charged for Christ
Mission opportunities will be offered on Friday, June 22 beginning at noon for all who wish to participate. Women will volunteer at one of three locations including: The Butterfly Garden, Canton Senior Housing and the Canton Park District. Blessing Box offering and a special offering for special projects of International Disciples Women Ministries will be received.
Worship experiences will include Friday evening with Reverend Dr. Dietra Wise-Baker, Program Coordinator for Advocacy and Activism, National Benevolent Association and Penuel Dance from Powership Worship Center in Raytown Kansas, Saturday evening with Reverend Teresa Hord Owens, General Minister and President Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Sunday morning with Reverend Lori Tapia, National Pastor Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Obra Hispana and commissioning of women participating in Woman to Woman Global trip to Cuba.
Study opportunities will include Saturday morning Bible study with the Reverend Dr. Marti Steussy, (Disciples of Christ) with Reverend Dr. Pat Donahoo, Executive Director International Disciples Ministries Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Reverend Chesla Nickelson, Program
Director and Merger Staff International Disciples Women Ministries Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and a variety of afternoon workshops including storytelling, liturgical dance, Woman to Woman Global trip to India. Opportunities to connect will take place throughout the event with dedicated times each evening in the Hospitality Suite.
Cost for the event including meals is $130 for double occupancy in a dorm style room and a $150 for a single occupancy. Accessible rooms are available upon request. Registration forms can be found at https://kansasdisciples.org/dw-heartland- interregional-conf. Or go
to kansasdisciples.org to register online or print a form as needed.
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